Journey to Simplicity


I’m not exactly sure when God put it on my heart to begin saving, thrifting, and preparing for a simpler life, but once he got ahold of me, I was unstoppable. In 2019 I felt the Lord calling me to leave my job as a school nurse. I was just getting into my career, had completed some master’s work and was officially a certified school nurse. Why now I thought? Why go to school and work so hard to then just stay home and throw it all away? It didn’t make sense at the time, but God persisted, and I sat down and talked with my husband about what God had put on my heart. 

My husband was supportive from the beginning but considering how we would afford a massive move like this was something we had to plan. Ultimately, we figured out we could do it, but it would be bare bones. If I was to stay home, our lifestyle would be reduced to a level of simplicity we had never seen before.  It was extremely challenging at first, more than challenging in fact.  We couldn’t seem to figure out how to make ends meet most of the time and so I got creative and started a small business.  I became a licensed in-home baker and that supplemented our income a little for a few years, covering small things here and there. I even started watching friends’ children in my home and that covered our groceries most weeks.

During the first two years of being home, I had to learn that everyday conveniences like individual sized applesauce pouches, fruit cups, yogurt tubes, and small bagged snacks for my kids were a thing of the past. Things like eating out, going into Target and walking out spending $250 on toilet paper and splurges on Amazon just weren’t feasible any longer. The joy I felt being home with my kids, learning to value warm meals made with love, gardening, and eventually backyard chickens, made even the hard days sparkle bright above the old life rat-race.

After leveling out and learning to become more frugal, the world started to see economic downturn which made it more difficult to sell my baked goods. The kids I was watching in my home started to trickle away because more moms were feeling called to be home with their kids, which while amazing, left me trying to figure out side hustles once again. My Pastor once called me a serial entrepreneur and I’ll never forget how that made me feel. It made me feel like I was a hard worker and that someone around me recognized it. I still occasionally sell baked goods and watch children in my home, but the majority of our sustainability comes from my extremely hard-working husband, the rock of our family and my ever-growing frugal mindset in our home. For example, I just scored 2 dozen oranges for $3 because they were about to expire by grocery standards. Those vitamin- packed citrus fruits are currently dehydrating and will be used as immune boosting delights in my hot tea for the next year! There is nothing better than a dallop of honey, an orange slice, and Harney & Son’s Paris tea on a fall or winters day.

My family is more comfortable now on one income then we ever were before on two, and its solely because we have learned to make our money work for us. We prioritize our lives, choosing to pay down debt rather than go on vacations. Our children live wholesome lives, spending their days outside with unstructured play. Some people may think they are missing out, but we know that once we are debt free, vacations will come. Homeschooling also affords our children the opportunity to have me home all day, every day, where day trips are the norm, and spending time with friends is abundant. Of course, it is not always easy, but we work to be intentional, and show gratitude for our blessings.

We have slowly learned to decondition ourselves against the need of all the things this broken world offers, and our level of contentment has enlightened us and brought us joy.  You can do exactly what we have done. Even if your situation is different, there are ways to navigate and succeed at drastically reducing your consumption, thus saving you thousands of dollars a year. It takes determination, and a willingness to get uncomfortable at times, but it is absolutely attainable.

Through my social media platforms, you will find opportunities to save money, while learning to trim away things from daily use that you absolutely thought you would always need. You can plug into my TikTok @faithhomestead for daily money savings tips and encouragement, and also my YouTube channel @faithhomestead. I look forward to sharing my journey with you, and I hope I encouraged you to start your journey to frugal living.

“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful riches.”  Proverbs 24:3-4


Don’t hide who you are.