
Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Living with Chronic Illness: Faith, Homemaking, and Homesteading

For more than a decade, I have navigated life with chronic illness, drawing strength from my unwavering faith and a deep love for homemaking and homesteading. Despite the challenges of fibromyalgia and spinal degeneration, I find joy and fulfillment in tending to the land and caring for my family.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Financial Freedom: How We Thrive on a Single Income

A few years ago, my husband and I made the decision to drop down to a single income so that I could stay home and raise our children. It was a calling I felt deeply in my heart, and though it came with its challenges, we have found ways to not only make it work but also thrive financially.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Step-by-Step Chicken Coop Cleaning Process for Healthy Hens

We all know that keeping a clean and well-maintained chicken coop is essential for the health and happiness of your feathered friends. Sometimes the organization or process can be daunting if you’re not equipped for the task, so I hope to be able to help walk you through the process.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

What to do with a broody chicken?

Managing broody hens can involve segregating them, promoting airflow, using frozen water bottles, removing eggs promptly, and blocking nesting boxes. The effectiveness of these techniques may vary. Segregating hens provides a break from nesting, but some may return to broodiness. It's important to observe the flock and adjust accordingly for a balanced approach.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Covered chicken run and water collection.

A covered chicken run offers predator protection, disease prevention, cleaner eggs, weather protection, and improved chicken welfare. A sheet metal roof can facilitate efficient rainwater collection, while collecting water from home roof shingles may pose contamination and health risks.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Getting Clean Eggs From Your Chickens.

I get asked all the time how I get such clean eggs from my chicken coop. Most people who ask me, have their own chickens and they are battling constant dirty eggs. Don’t despair as I will explain how to train new chicks and those already established hens!

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

4 Reasons to Get Chickens

Becoming a keeper of chickens can seem overwhelming. Below are four simple reasons that may sway your decision if you’re on the fence.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

My Journey to Sourdough

I just recently discovered sourdough after watching a few videos on bread making. I was curious but kind of non-committal, so I ended up ordering some 223-year-old sourdough from eBay…

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Harvesting & Drying Herbs

Growing and harvesting your own herbs is really simple too and I’ve broken down several methods to give you the motivation needed to do it yourself!

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Water Glassing Eggs

Water glassing eggs is a preservation method that involves submerging fresh, unwashed eggs in a solution of pickling lime and water. This technique has been used for centuries to extend the shelf life of eggs, especially during times when chickens lay fewer eggs, such as in the fall and winter months.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Back to Eden Gardening Method

In 2021 I stumbled upon back to Eden gardening, which is a revolutionary approach to gardening that has gained popularity in recent years.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Dehydrated Orange Slices

Dehydrating orange slices can be a great way to add flavor to hot tea and boost your immune system. It is also a cost-effective way to preserve oranges for longer storage.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Transplanting Seedlings

As many of us begin to wrap up the process of starting our seeds this year, germination will be taking place and very soon we will begin to transplant our seedlings to bigger homes.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

We Made Pickles & Current Economy

We have all noticed change; the question is what action do you need to take now to avoid food insecurity issues that are threatening our nation?

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Seed Starting 2023

As we move into 2023, we are quickly approaching gardening season, and many of us are beginning to start some seeds indoors.

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Guest User Guest User

Disaster: Are you prepared?

With the recent events in Ohio unfolding over the past few weeks, it has become more evident than ever that we need to take control of our lives through preparedness. From the lack of response from governmental agencies (top to bottom) to the outpouring of social media posts seeking assistance, the governmental bureaucracies and slow movement to address the situation are alarming.

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