
Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Being Present & Homeschooling

The topic of homeschooling has recently become a buzzword as families across the United States begin to explore the idea that they too can educate their children at home and be successful at it.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Preparedness Mishaps & Garden Prep

The preparedness-minded person needs to remember not to get complacent when stocking their shelves or preparing in other ways. So often we know what is required to live a life of self-reliance and preparedness, but it is very easy to forget simple things.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Raising content and grateful hearts.

But what if I told you that you could live and thrive, that you could even raise children to have contentment with the things they have, would you believe me?

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Don’t hide who you are.

My views and my life changed so drastically when I accepted, actually truly accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, that I’m sure people are still confused as to what happened to me.

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Sarah Graham Sarah Graham

Journey to Simplicity

I’m not exactly sure when God put it on my heart to begin saving, thrifting, and preparing for a simpler life, but once he got ahold of me, I was unstoppable.

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